
男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集模型是关于男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集,大小:52 MB,可调整替换很多细节,供广大设计师学习使用。需要使用软件:DAZ Studio或者Poser。


男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集 男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集 男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集 男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集 男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集 男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集 男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集 男性逼真子弹枪伤创口疤痕3D模型合集

Compatible Figures: Genesis 8 Male, Genesis 8.1 Male
Compatible Software: Daz to Maya Bridge, Daz to Unity Bridge, Daz to Unreal Bridge, Daz Studio 4.15, Daz to 3ds Max Bridge, Daz to Blender Bridge, Daz to C4D Bridge
HD Gunshot Wounds for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Males is a collection of 45 HD Gunshot Wounds (23 Wounds + 22 Mirrors) from a low-caliber weapon (handgun).
To ensure the textures remain as envisioned, regardless of the character it’s applied on, the wound texturing is built atop a Geoshell (MGW Wound Geoshell Wearable). A second Geoshell is used to add a blood layer (MGW Blood Geoshell Wearable), which allows a higher displacement to lend substance to the blood without affecting the character’s original skin (and creating seams).
Three Materials Presets for each Geoshell have been included (light, mid-tone, and dark skin). Since the LIE is built on these Geoshells, the time it takes to load is substantially reduced. If you find the blood too glossy, we have also included a preset to lower that. Though since this is built on a Geoshell, you can always change the settings to whatever works best for you without messing with your character’s skin.
We have also included additional torso LIE Iray Presets to ensure the pack works with Generation 8.1. So keep an eye out for those, and be sure to apply them if you are working with a character that uses the surfaces of Genesis 8.1. Except for the Torso region, all other LIE Iray Presets should work with 8.1, regardless of the absence of the 8.1 specifications to their name.
In addition, we have included a Wound to Scar material preset as a bonus that will add Opacity and change the translucency of the MGW Wound Geoshell to fade the textures. Play with the morph dials (break the limits and even dial them negatively) and change the translucency color to get the right look and transform the open wound into a scar as shown in the promos!
In total, this pack contains 45 HD Morphs, 73 LIE Wound Iray Material Presets, 71 LIE Blood Iray Material Presets, 4 Geoshell Wearables, 20 Material Presets for the Geoshells, 4 Scripts, and 46 Shape Presets.
Now, you will be able to show the aftermath of a close call. Whether your character went in guns blazing or ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time, the choice is yours!
Like with our other packs, these can be combined to help add valuable subtext to your images, allowing you to build characters marked by hardships and pain. They ultimately must wear the badges life has bestowed upon them, and whether they wear them with pride, anger, shame, or pain is up to you!
Get the HD Gunshot Wounds for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Males today.



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